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Asphalt Pavement is One of America’s Building Blocks 

The United States has more than 2.7 million miles of paved roads and highways, and 94 percent of those are surfaced with asphalt. Many of those are full-depth asphalt pavements; others are asphalt overlays used to restore the performance of deteriorating concrete pavements.

The nation has around 3,500 asphalt plants, or at least one in every congressional district. Each year, these plants produce a total of about 400 million tons of asphalt pavement material worth in excess of $30 billion. The industry supports employment for more than 400,000 Americans in the asphalt production, aggregate production, and road construction sectors. Asphalt pavement material is a precisely engineered product composed of about 95 percent stone, sand, and gravel by weight, and about 5 percent asphalt cement, a petroleum product. 

Asphalt pavements gets us from our homes to our workplaces and schools. It allows us access to medical care and emergency assistance. It transports us to places of worship, recreation, and shopping. With modern "just-in-time" inventory systems, the highway is the warehouse, and manufacturers and retailers rely on trucks to get goods to them on schedule.

Plastics in Asphalt

As strong supporters of recycling responsibly, NAPA is working alongside the asphalt pavement industry to better the feasibility of reused plastics in asphalt pavements. Learn more.


Airport Asphalt Pavement Technology Program (AAPTP)

On September 25, 2020, NAPA signed a cooperative agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to manage a $3.5 million research and technology transfer initiative. The Airport Asphalt Pavement Technology Program (AAPTP) is designed to advance multiple focus areas involving asphalt pavements and associated asphalt materials. In March of 2021, FAA awarded NAPA an additional $3 million for further work in the program.


Training & Education

Training employees shows them that you appreciate their contributions and that your company is investing in their future. Research shows that workers with engaged managers stay with their company and are more productive. NAPA offers many training opportunities to enhance your knowledge of the asphalt industry.



Whether you need a tool to complete a pavement design for a design-build project or just need to know when you should have your rollers ready to compact a freshly laid asphalt mat, NAPA has partnered with technology experts to develop tools that can help with critical tasks.


Engineering Contacts

J. Richard Willis, Ph.D.
Vice President, Engineering, Research, & Technology

Brett Williams
Director, Engineering & Technical Support

Jean-Paul Fort
Director, Pavement Engineering & Innovation