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Resource Center

New in September 2024: Easier Access to NAPA Publications and More

We've improved how you find, view, and download the resources you rely upon to advance your technical knowledge, career, and operations.

What can we help you find today?

Digital Publications Recorded Webinars Asphalt Textbook
Available at no cost in our new Resource Center. Available in our online store while we actively migrate them to the Resource Center. For sale in our online store.
Fill out a short form for immediate access to requested item. Requires a NAPA website account. Requires a NAPA website account.
Search the Resource Center. Search the store. Get it now.

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Helpful Hints

  • The Resource Center replaces our online store (mostly).
  • Items available in our Resource Center include digital publications and webinar recordings.
  • All are free... except the textbook, which must be purchased from our store. A link to the textbook is provided in the Resource Center for convenience only.
  • Read an introduction and 'how to use' the Resource Center in NAPA Now.

Store Status

As of September 18, 2024. This page will be updated as migration continues.

  • While we continue to transition, the online store remains available to purchase publications and webinar recordings.
  • If you choose to purchase items from the store (rather than download them free from the Resource Center), there may be a payment required. Due to administrative burden, we are not changing store prices or offering refunds for store purchases. Check the Resource Center first!
  • We are actively migrating webinars to the Resource Center. Recorded webinars may be more easily found in the store (temporarily, until migration is complete).
  • Once migration is complete, most items will be removed from the online store. If you purchased an item and it disappears from My Downloads, you may re-download it in the Resource Center or contact for assistance.