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More than 90% of roads and highways, along with 80% of airfields, are surfaced with asphalt pavements. We’re actively invested in every community, facilitating connection and commerce.

As the industry’s national voice, NAPA works with Congress, the Administration, Departments of Transportation, and numerous other stakeholders and partners to engineer smooth, safe, long-lasting roads. Together, let’s leverage the country’s historic investment in infrastructure to keep the momentum going.

Learn how and why infrastructure momentum is crucial to the nation's economy and well-being in The Washington Times' special section on infrastructure: Secure the Highway Trust Fund to keep America moving, by Audrey Copeland, PhD, PE, NAPA President & CEO.

NAPA Is Your Voice in the Nation's Capital

Washington, DC, is a complex legislative playing field that NAPA's Government Affairs team deftly navigates to ensure the asphalt pavement industry's voice is heard on Capitol Hill. We rally the entire industry, including suppliers and equipment manufacturers, to safeguard asphalt's essential place in the transportation construction sector. 


  • Grow highway and airfield investments
  • Secure funding for asphalt highway and airfield pavement research
  • Oppose any pavement design or pavement-type selection mandates

Join the Political Advocacy Member Council

Our Political Advocacy Membership offers employees of NAPA member companies a deeper understanding of the legislative process and dealing with Members of Congress and federal agencies. This no-cost individual membership empowers you to get involved with NAPA's Political Advocacy Member Council and learn about the NAPA Political Action Committee (NAPA-PAC).


Legislative & Regulatory Resources

IIJA/IRA Implementation 

Explore NAPA resources and updates to understand the legislation and its impact on the industry.

Regulatory Priorities

NAPA’s top regulatory priority is to respond to proposed regulations to encourage realistic regulations. 

Advocacy Tools and Information

Get the information you need to engage with elected officials on the legislative priorities critical to NAPA members.

Action Center

Find your elected officials and opportunities to advocate for infrastructure-related legislation.

On mobile, download the VoterVoice app and search “National Asphalt Pavement Association.”

Advocacy Contacts

Nile Elam
Vice President, Government Affairs

Mitch Baldwin
Director, Government Affairs