Nile Elam, MBA
Nile leads NAPA’s government affairs team on federal legislative and regulatory policies that are important to the asphalt pavement industry. His primary focus is educating and collaborating with members of Congress, federal agencies, the administration, and other policy stakeholders on asphalt’s role in America’s economy. He keeps the industry informed on issues pending in Washington, DC, that may ultimately impact how their businesses operate and their ability to grow.
Nile joined NAPA in February 2023, expanding on an already robust 12-year advocacy career. He has led efforts on the Hill and across states on issues ranging from environmental and worker safety policies to surface transportation formula funding, building critical networks and coalitions, and fostering relationships across the political spectrum. Prior to joining NAPA, Nile spearheaded advocacy efforts regarding key environmental and permitting policies on behalf of the National Association of Manufacturers as their Senior Director of Energy & Resources Policy. Nile is familiar with the asphalt industry given his previous work as the Director of Government Affairs at the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association, where he led advocacy on various infrastructure policies, transportation funding initiatives, and mineral definitions. While at NSSGA, he led a coalition of more than 25 trade organizations, including NAPA, in supporting the historic passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Similarly, he helped lead the Highway Materials Group coalition to advance relevant legislation and facilitate targeted discussions with Congress on policies most pertinent to the construction materials industry. Nile’s experience advocating for sensible legislation and regulatory policy spans numerous Congressional committees and federal agencies including the Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of Energy, among others.
B.A. in History, Texas Christian University
M.B.A., Texas Christian University