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Prevent the Spread at the Plant & on the Jobsite

The coronavirus can remain virulent in the air and on hard surfaces. To reduce transmitting the disease, public health agencies and governments emphasize – and in many cases mandate – social distancing and discourage the congregation of groups. Individuals who must work closely to each other during physically demanding activities could be at increased risk for contracting and further spreading COVID-19. To help “flatten the curve” and prevent the spread, follow CDC recommendations:

  • HANDS: Wash them often
  • ELBOW: Cough into it
  • FACE: Don't touch it
  • FEET: Stay more than 6 feet apart
  • FEEL sick? Stay home

The Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky prepared these visual recommendations for Flattening the Curve

Construction Considerations for Hand washing

Since road construction work occurs outdoors with limited water (and soap) sources, NAPA provides the following important considerations: 

  • Employees should have access to, at a minimum, disinfectant wipes and gels. If soap and water are not available, clean your hands with commercially available hand sanitizer appropriate for skin and containing at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry (CDC recommendation).
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces of equipment and vehicles often and at the beginning of each day or shift. Pay special attention to handles of tools (e.g., shovels and lutes), controls, and door or faucet handles.
  • Clean hard surfaces with rubbing alcohol solutions (at least 70%) or commercially available disinfectants that are EPA-approved. Encourage employees to be mindful of ventilation while disinfecting surfaces. 
  • If you are unsure whether a hard, touchable surface has been disinfected, clean it before you touch it, and then clean it again when done. 
  • Some experts have suggested wearing cloth or leather gloves that might absorb viral droplets and are bulky enough to discourage individuals from touching their face. 
  • Conduct disinfection drills to ensure all equipment has been thoroughly disinfected at the beginning of the shift.
  • Assume everyone you come into contact with, including yourself, has the coronavirus. Social distancing, keeping your hands and face clean, not touching your face, and disinfecting touchable surfaces are easy and effective ways to prevent the spread